Si Jay Yang, 好 tag 不 tag tag中 我 =.= Nvm... I DO!
Pass this tag to 10 people !
2.Chang Te Sheng
3. Woan Shian
4.Choo Kay Yan
5.Kar Heng
6.Kit Yee
7.Joel Kuan ( ponteng partner xp)
8.Tze Keat (emo-freak)
9. Carmen
10.Joshua Yon SUN GUAN
1. Would you date number 5?
Too Old =]
2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
No doubt. He doesn't own a lisence
3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend.
Unless SHE is a Lessbian XDD~~
4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
Eh, how possible shes in my house.
5. Number 1 is acting weird.
He is ALWAYS weird... =.=ll
6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
He just got a haircut =[
7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
Sure =)
8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
wow... unpredictable
9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
Tell her boyfriend
10.You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
Uhh... Im for sure innocent one ._.
11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
She pay, I go...
13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
ohh, hi, long time no talk =]
14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can’t sleep.
Enjoy your STPM =]
15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
WOW! she do perfect tackles xD
But not on me =[
16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
WA! Got girlfriend also don't tell me a... next time don't come my house!
17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
First one run away =]
He dies i don't care xp
18. Number 5 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
Wow, lets bring it to the zoo =]
19. Number 3 just got you an X-Box.
thanks... but a quad-core computer with an LCD screen would be better =]
20. Number 9 challenges you to a children’s card game.
Im Best in Uno (preferably the barbie doll version of Uno xD) , NO POKERS!
21. Number 1 thinks he/she’s overweight.
c'mon, you're quite fit
22. Number 7 looks lonely.
ohya? I would be a good friend =]
23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
Give him some space lor =]
24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
Ok. Thanks, it's time to go home now =]
25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say?
GRANDMA! Hair white liao den dun dye black lar... ppl get old very common den ma =)
26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
Oh. He might be confronting with Jesus now =)
27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
o.o Crying o.o Give her a present? or tell her a joke gua =)
28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible?
c' 3 5 and 6 were all girls... can be take down easily, unless the use "secret weapon"
No 1 is a gentlemen, I SUPPOSE* and would not backstab me =)