It wasn't my original plan to watch Phobia 2 with Rebecca and few of her buddies. But that's what I'm up to.
I actually call up Meng Teck, Fu Bin, Dickson, Joel and Heng Yee to watch Poker King. Lots of people says that poker king is funny, and i especially, love watching comedies.
I made appoinment with them at times square, 11.30.
Unfortunately, All of them played a prank on me.
None of them turn up untill 11.50 -,-
Ofcourse, Im kinda angry, i called and called untill i get fed-up
and, guess what, i saw rebecca and her buddies queing up for movie tickets before I went back. I joined them for the movie =]
And if you're wondering if me can solo 4 girls, get that off your mind.
My heartbeat is beating at infinity frequency per second. Im not used to it when girls are around me, and this time, there are 4 girls.
Scary enough for a boy-school teenager like me .__.
But i managed to survive, atleast i know rebecca well enough to talk to her naturally .__. thanks to Mr.Shawn classes
In the gateway counter, I was keep trying to hide behind them, because they say I doesn't looks like a 18 year-old boy, which i certainly agree. [Phobia 2 is 18PL]
They wear mke-ups, so they looks older than what a average 16 years old teenage girls should be.
Fortunately, we passed the gateway counters.
All of us are happy, and ofcourse, trying hard not to cheer for our victory, worrying that we might get caught and kicked outta the cinema >.< NO GHOST!
Ok, it's 8.00 now and I'm still struggling with few guitar chords like F chords,
have to go for my guitaring session now,
Bye bye~
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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