(i copied this thing from the others blog ._., so many ppl say i teach ppl kau lui ._., so i'll put this notice in front so that everyone would see it ._.) As everyone knows, tomorrow is valentine's day, which most of us have been eagerly waiting for. The real purpose this has been posted is to help a couple of my friends, who have problems with relationships.
If you like someone older than you, what should you do? Most of us will problably give up, and think "Ahh, hopeless la, the girl wont event look at you". But personally, i think that there is still hope.
First of all, get the older girl's attention, you need to be more matured among your peers. Most of the boys love to annoy the girls to gain attention, which is something very silly to do.But don't give up hope. Most girls like boys who care for her. Try to get close to the girl and help her every time she needs help. This will surely help. xD
If you ask me, acting stupid or suddenly becoming very nervous in front of a girl(s) is something very normal. The way the girls whisper and giggle really makes you looks stupid. But i suggest that you do not do anything and act as if nothing had happened.
Sms-ing is really a waste of time, electricity(you need to charge your phone), money and energy.An Sms once in a while is good, but there should be a limitation. The girl might find a boy boring if he sms her too often. Use msn(Windows Messenger), you can save money and time too(because i chat with people while doing projects).
And the last and the most important thing you need to consider: do you really like the girl? Or do you just admire the girl. If you're sure that this relationship can make both of you(Boy and Girl) became more mature, then i shall have to say that the relationship is a success.But on the other hand, if you just want a girl desperately because she's pretty, or if you want to boast about your so called "great glory" in front of your friends, you might as well don't approach her.
Lol, ps, this post is created to help some of my friends. xD I hope this can help those who need help, and my friends, whom i don't feel like like i should mention. XP All the best to you!! xD (I copied this from someone Else's blog xD, grammatical errors edited by David.(With the exception of intentional ones.))
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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