Sky seems to be falling off on my head this few days. Lots of unexpected things happened today and yesterday.
Firstly, I lost my K810i phone. That's my present given by my dad ._. . Lose it yesterday. I cried yesterday night. Crying makes me feel good. I forgot when is the last time i cried. Probably long time ago.
Secondly, I accidentally broke the New South Wales Examination Rules & Regulations this morning. I use my pen to write my name class address and the other stuffs. I got a smack from Misses Yap at my back for not following the rules. Honestly, when teacher brief us about the Rules and Regulation, I was sleeping at the back and emoing about my lost phone >.<
Thirdly, The stubborn rain refuses to go away during our PE time. I keep singing loudly at the field "rain rain, go away, come again in saturday..." something like that ._. but... the stubborn rain... refuses to... to... go away... which make me kinda sad T.T
Anyway, i'll try to be optimistic. There are a few special people I would like to thank and give my credits to.
1.) Robert Chia
2.) Hong Ann Lee
3.) Ng Kheng Hong
4.) Tam You Sheng
They had given me lots of guidance ._. really thank the four of you... they taught me stuffs that i never learn in school, tell me things that no one tell me before... and encourage me as no one did before... really thank the four of you... really thanks a tonne to you'll =)
It's time to go for my tuition class ._. bye bye =)
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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