My name: Liew Zhen Yi
My birthday: 14th november 1993
who tagged you: derek chan
Name 5 best friends: oscar, jue chuan, choon wei, jia wei, jian yi, joel kuan (sry for the extra one)
what you wished for a birthday: go new york ^^
Happy things that happened recently: just got a 3x headshot in wolf team =)
Most stressed about recently: MBS Idol? not really stressed actually
what is your dream about future: handsome, rich, happy =)
do you have someone you like: honestly, yes
Will you visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering: most probably
most happy to hang out with: the person i like
If two of your friends are having conflicts: better dun get involved
Where is preferably the place to go with your lover: cinema? i doubt
What to do in Christmas: nothing really exciting. just went watching movie with friends =)
Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with: friends and family =)
Bad habit on waking up early in the morning: o.o dont know what you're asking. lol
How many siblings do you have: one little brother and one tiny mini little sister
Favourite song(Female): love story?
Favourite song(Male): 小酒窝
Favourite Colour: black or white
Flush before using the toilets?: not really. only when after
Love me not?: oO no!
Affectionate to guys or girls: girls =) im pretty normal, dude =)
What do you want to shout out loudly: YES! HEADSHOOT! lols
Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night?: NO!
Will you take off your undies in while in the WC: sadly, nope =( lols
Who’s the bastard: those people that humitilate me
What’s the current affection: quite serious?
Ugly when asleep: err. no idea ._.
Whats the time now: 12.45 midnight xD
Do you hate the person who tagged you: nope =)
Weight: super light... 44kg...
Weather today: raining in morning, shines in afternoon, cold in midnight
Are you pregnant: hopefully i have the ability to =)
What will you do if you win a lottery: but myself a ferrari(red colour)
An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life: use computer, dating girls xDD
People To Tagged?
1. kit yee
2. chun leong
3. jue chuan
4. robert chia
5. te sheng
6. andrew wong
7. woan shian
8. jasmine
9. hao ran
10.ming ren
01-Does no.4 know no.6??: yea.. i guess...
02-No.10 is a male or??: male
03-The hobby of no.8?: singing till the rain falls ^^
04-Does no. 1 have any siblings?: yes.
05-The surname of no.7?: see
06-Does no.10 have alot of friends??: Yeah! many many
07-Anyone tackling no.4??: Lol? they used to be primary school friends =)
08-If no.2 is being introduced??: perfect =0
09-The favourite colour of no.6?: blue?
12-Where is no.5 studying currently??: MBSSKL
13-How do you know no.10??: classmates
14-Whats the difference between the birth month of no.1 and you??: same month. 5 days difference xD
15-Ever hang out with no.9??: not really
16-Do you like to chat with no.2??: Yeah.. good at telling jokes =)
17-Like to be with no.3??: Yeah! Awesome guy
18-How do you think about no.7??: She's pretty =)
19-How do you think about no.9??: good. but fail to get what he wants ._.
20-Do you love no.5??: if im a gay, then yes. but sadly, im not =)
1.Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : derek chan
2.How long have you known him/her : since form 2
3.Do you think that he/she is important to you? : yes.
4.Your relationship with him/her : Close friends
5.Whats his/hers hobby? : football, joking around =)
6.What do you think about his/her personality? : helpful, a good friend indeed
7.His/her points of importance in your heart : hmm. wow... too deep...
*Your idol : 林俊杰
*Favourite season : alot.....
*Times worked : Many!
*Country that wanted to go the most : NEW YORK!
*Personality hated : irresponsible people.
*Are you a crybaby? : last time yes.
*You laugh alot? : sometimes, if im in a good mood.
*Do you like to go out alone? : Never
*What time will you wake up if it's a holiday?: depends.
*Today’s weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Cloudy
*Choose between Friends and Lover : Lover?
*Choose between Chances and Fates : Fates
*Are you narcissist? : sadly, nope
*Is this questionnaire long? : YESSS!!!
*How to make yourself feel better every time? : hmm. games?
*Favourite food : sushi?
*Are you full of happiness? : yea.. most of the time =)
*Who are the friends that you care the most? : every of them... none stand out each other =)
*What's the most important item in your bed room? : err. shhh... lol
*Most consistent dream at sleep : sometimes
*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : maybe?
*Whats the meaning of life? :wow... lazy explain ._.
*See if you can answer this!): ??
*When do you hate me? : i dun hate u =)
*Like the day you were born or been into the society?: a bit lorh =)
*Like Taoism or Confucianism? : confucianism.
*Favourite cake? : choclate cake
*Can we stop this game now? : YES!
*Do you like sardins? ^^ : no...
*Who knows you the best? : Oo family =)
*IQ higher or EQ? : both equal =)
*Computer or Mobile Phone : Computer
*Prefer to sleep or play? : depends. sleep, most probably
*Friendster or Facebook? : Facebook!
*Whats your wish right now? : i can sleep =) and FLY!
*Tired? : YES!
*Favourite drinks : 100 Plus(lemon), ice lemon tea, active
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
wah ... longest tag~ swt...