my hair is doing fine... very fine, infact, untill yesterday...
yesterday, we had our choral speaking competition. Choral Speaking is kinda useless, if you ask me. Imagine yourself standing here, speaking bunch of useless stuffs. that's how i feel.
After the choral speaking competition, puan gan come to catch people with long hairs. Fortunately, i was one of the fantastic 5 with longest hair in the group.
Well, you know the details after that. Get a miserable hair cut... thnx to puan gan for the free hair cutting service, and the merciless prefects T.T
I am suppose to go to the school today. Everyone know today is the academic day. But im kinda lazy.I gave some excuses to my form and were lucky to escape today.
Results were dropping like "what the heck"
I Got no.9 in the class, which i make me feel kinda miserable and disappointed. My dad keep saying that im addicted to computer games.
I try to convince myself by saying "atleast im still the top 10", or "atleast i beat my lifetime rivalry, jay yang by getting 2 position ahead of him" etc etc. But i still feel kinda miserable.
It's Saturday today... tonight, i'm going supper in "kenji" with my aunt. That's the best thing I could think of on what i do during this weekend.
Anyway, thanks to John Wong, for lending me the last book of Percy Jackson. I have been searching it for weeks man... thanks so much...
Yesterday, during biology period, most of the students in the class slept with the help of the comfortable air-conditioner.
Jia Wei and me was behind there, with a few of our friends, talking about the common topic about girls.
Choon Wei keep saying that he need the touch of a girl bla bla bla....
I really dislike the idea of boys or girls school. It causes distress, man!
Imagine yourself away from the opposite sex for 5 years throughout your secondary life. That would be very very miserable.
form 6? aww man... the form 6 girls wouldn't even glance at you, much less talk to you.
okay... time to go now... so, good luck for your academic day ._. hopefully you wont get screwed up by your mom or dad =) wakakka
Bengkel Kuasai Penyuntingan (BM SPM)
7 months ago
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